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“Every day you have the opportunity to learn and experience some-thing and some-one new. Seize the opportunity. Learn and experience everything you can, and use it to change the world.”


-Rodney Williams Jr.



Kim Ming

Chef, Blogger, Artist, Data Enthusiast

Cooking has always been an art form in my family. During special events, we assist each other in prepping, cooking and decorating every meal. Aside from the aesthetics of each meal, the entire process had to be done in both an expressive and vigilant manner.


My grandmother taught us the importance of a chef's mental/emotional state during the creation process. Similar to a completed artwork, a chef's work can evoke different emotions and enhance a person's palate. Hence, just like painting, cooking became a very therapeutic experience for me and I hope to share/learn recipes through various social media platforms. 


Thanks for submitting!


Monica Ming

Chef, Baker,

Mixologist, Cheese &

Chocolate Fanatic,

Former Biochemistry Researcher,

Newbie Programmer

Baking was the first skill I learned in the kitchen. I wasn't much of a chef until college. I always ate unhealthy, quick foods. But after gaining 30 lbs, I decided to change my ways. I learned how to cook healthy, quick recipes in college.


I love eating! When I can't get the foods I craved, I learned how to bake, cook, and mix mocktails, then cocktails. Depending on my cravings, that's what I'll make. In my spare time, I blog recipes. I love sharing ideas and learning from others.


My sister invited me to co-write recipes and manage this blog. Enjoy!


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